The baby grew. He grew and he grew and he grew. He grew until he was two years old, and he ran all around the house. He pulled all the books off the shelves. He pulled all the food out of the refrigerator and he took his mothers watch and flushed it down the toilet. Sometim
es his mother would say "This kid is driving me CAZY!"
He won't be 2 for 3 months will I survive the next year??
(Thank you to Robert Munsch for the perfect words to describe a two year old)
I know exactly how you feel. Jace is just the same and he won't talk either, although I know he understands almost everything I ask of him. It's frustrating and a little worrying with another one on the way, but I'm sure we will all survive...somehow.
All I have to say, Is that there is a reason that a moms love is unconditional and that kids are cute for a reason. This morning Jacob and Benjamin were covered head to toe in Nesquik. I just laughed, through them in the shower and cleaned it up. I do not however know how they have lived to be two and three. LOVE. LOVE LOVE
I can't believe how big he has gotten. He was just a small baby when we saw him last year. And that is too funny that we might both be packing up. I can tell you that I will utilize the mormon network and have the RS help me pack boxes. Our move is great because we are going into a renovated apt. that is close to work and church and Target. Our favorite places. :)
I would like to say I understand, but I really don't. I don't have any boys. I guess I get my fair share of craziness in the form of princess this and princess that. Isn't it so much fun to have children and just to be able to love them through it all. Your a great mom pea!!
pardon my blog-stalking - love ur blog!!
So funny! I loved that book growing up.
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