Friday, June 15, 2007

Her Brother!!

A very good friend of mine was a middle child, not only that she was proceeded by a very gifted daughter and followed by a severely handicapped son. She felt lost in the struggle to say the least! She felt kind of alone in her life her parents both clinging to the son they were so desperately trying to keep in their home and out of a hospital. It seemed she was always being asked to help out, to change her 9 year old brothers diaper, take him for a walk, or feed him his dinner. She found allot of joy in the task but every once in awhile found it a hard burden to bear. She asked allot of questions about why this was her life, why this was her struggle. But when she stopped to look she would see in his eyes the angel that he was. The beautiful spirit too pure to be tested that was living in her home and sharing in her life. Then one day when she was older she was ready to get her life's blessing. she went to the patriarch and sat in the chair. Her mind was wondering back to the morning of her special day that was spent trying to get Ryan to eat his breakfast and she could not help but feel a little sorry for throwing her own fit for the chaos.

As the patriarch put his hands on her and started her sweet blessing a calm came over her. She was filled with the spirit and at the end the only part she could remember was when the patriarch told her of her sweet brother, the one who guided her through the pre-existence. And who helped her find her way. The special person who helped her so much then that now it was her turn to return the favor.

Even now years later, the boy has had to go into a home for the handicapped, but every single day she goes to see him. Even in her busy life that is now filled with children, Errands, and chores she goes to thank the man who she knows is the reason she came to earth, the man who helped her so much before that she will help him however she can. Until one day she will see him in the next life and they can spend it together taking care of each other again. Only then will she know that when she says I love you he will hear it and understand But even more he will be able to return the words to her.


Lisa M. said...

I believe with all my heart, that these special people, have special spirits. That we are taught more by them, than they ever are by us.

It is a unique experience to be told, through heartfelt ways, the truthfulness that helps us understand life's struggles with an eternal prospective.

Not too long after Ethan was born (who has CP, as well)... I was sent a letter, with a similar blessing-

To paraphrase and make short, the blessing for this person, this parent, who felt tortured and lame. Who was struggling to combat the issues that come with having a child with a sever diagnosis... This parent was told, that their child, was one of Heaven's most valiant. That he held the arm of Satan, dragging him to his damnation. That his imperfections ... in this life were given to him as a protection from Satan's temptations.

I don't know the validity of this story- It came in an unmarked envelope, and it was meant to comfort this overwhelmed and terrified parent.

I love hearing these special experiences, it is often comforting to hear them.

Thank you for sharing-