Monday, July 20, 2009

Here's Horton

Here he is our little Horton! He is so much fun. We were able to pick him up July First and bring him home. He spent his first few days with that sad face he has in this first picture. He had to leave 5 brothers behind so I think he was  missing them for a little while. A few days after he got here we LOST him. I was so scarred that he had got out of the gate I went looking and then came home resolved to the fact that I may have just lost the dog Joe has been waiting for for a VERY long time. I went into my bedroom to say a prayer before loading my kids into the car to go look for him in the neighborhood and there he was!!

Hie favorite spot is under my bed. That is where he sleeps at night but, I kind of feel sad for him because his other favorite place is

Abigail's bouncer.  And sadly this will not be a little dog. He is a yellow Lab and already is so much bigger than he was when we picked him up. so I think all too soon he will outgrow his two favorite spots. 
Joe and his dog!! This was taken the first day we had him home. We bought him a dog bed and put it in the living room but the only time he lays on it is if One of the kids or Joe gets up and lays with him. 

Abby is in love with him!! Michael, my almost SIX year old, is still kind of afraid of him. But Abby will let him lick her, crawl on her, share toys (YUCK!) and she still does not cry. I think Horton thinks she is a puppy or something, he just loves to roll around on the floor with her, and she is happy as a clam to let him do it. I was making dinner a few days after we got him and usually Abby cries the whole time. She is in her "Mom don't leave the room I am in phase." But, I noticed this time she did not seem to care at all and in fact I did not go in to check on her because I was afraid she would just notice I was gone and then she would cry. It was not until dinner was in the oven that I noticed she and Horton had made up there own little game. I should have maybe stopped this but, I thought It NEEDED to be on video!   
So that's him. He really is so fun, and I am sure I will love him even more once he stops peeing in my house. 


The1stdaughter said...

What a fun dog! I love labs. And it looks like the kids are going enjoy him just as much as Joe. Hopefully he will find a new favorite spot soon so his old ones won't be missed too much.

Marianne said...

That's great that she'll keep Abby entertained. Maybe you can get more done now.