Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Who I am

Hello to the world. I have been a secret admire of many a blogs for the past year or so, waiting and watching, wondering if I had the creativity or in other words, if anyone would care, to write my own blog. So here I go, still not knowing if I will be interesting but jumping in all the same.
As I say I am the pea. I truly am surrounded by many princesses, two sisters, one mother, many more aunts, grandma's, cousins, and friends who are what I would call truly refined ladies, who know who they are. I am so very greatfull for this but I must admit I am destined to be forever flawed. I don't eat, sleep, clean, or dress like a lady should most of the time. (I do like to dress so I have my elegant moments, untill I trip and fall down the stairs) The ladies in my life teach me what I want to be. I have goals to be refined but I am sure it will take a lifetime of do-overs to achieve my goal.
My latest princess is a sweet daughter, child #2 who came to earth with a crown on her head. She thinks she rules the world, and in most accounts she does. Poeple stop when she waves to them and tell her she is addorable, and this only intensifies the problem.
My Princes are wonderfull as well, a strong willed prince in the shape of a mud covered little boy, (#1) and Prince charming, My very sweet husband who cateres to me when dinner is burned and clothes are not ironed becuase I have spent all day playing instead of taking care of, the other stuff, as I like to call it. And I have a brother who could have been ruined by his sisters but in all accounts came out of his estrogen bubble mostly unscathed.
I have two more princes who I only know by stories of charm and wit but who in most accounts were men of fun, like me. My older brother and my Father who had to serve a better part and leave this earth while I was still very young. They have watched over and protected me my whole life and I have been able to think of them as the perfect people they are.
I love to do anything fun, I like to cook but not clean, sleep but not make the bed, dress but not iron or wash the clothes. I am a student of anything I don't know I read my biology books in my spare time and then follow that with a good Jodi Picoult novel. Someday in the future I want to be a Certified Nurse midwife as I am most fascinatedby pregnancy and childbirth it amazes me what can happen inside of a women in 40 weeks time. I do many crafts though I have never been taught so I sew in my own way that my grandmother would cringe at if she ever watched. I also love Disney and Dr. Suess. I am a student of the gosple I would love to know the scriptures inside and out Someday, mabye in the next life.
So , that is me in a nutshell, or should I say a pod.


S'mee said...

Wooohooo! This is so great! I am SO excited that you decided to blog Pea! I know I will probably keep in touch with you much more often! lol

Oh my...O.K. kiddo...I am going to tellmy circle of blog friends!!!

Robyn said...

welcome to the blog world! I look forward to reading about you and your adventures. :-)

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

Welcom ! Welcome! You sound alot like the rest of us!

Ironing? What's that? I don't believe I am familiar with that term!! *smile*. Feel free to pop over any time!

Jewel said...

Welcome to the Blogging world. I have only been blogging since December. Have a fantastic day and stop by my blog any time.