Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ora turns FIVE

(((Sorry the pictures are so bad, we don't have a new camera yet we just have my phone so it is what it is)))

Her wonderful day came and went on Feb. 17th. She loves her birthday's! Which makes it all the better for me. As a mother I try to make all of my kids birthdays great. The whole day is about them. They get to make all of the decisions, all day... We start with food a few days before the birthday. Ora chose to have a special breakfast that she wanted Daddy to choose, he choose to leave her doughnuts and chocolate milk, for lunch we had 'noodle soup' (top ramon), then for dinner we had Hot Dogs, giant cheeto's, and Soda pop. She got to pick the movies all day and she was able to be pick our games and it was so much fun, we did a lot of Dancing! Then she wanted to open up presents early and she called Dad to see if she could. Of course he told her she could open up her smaller ones and then when he got home we had dinner and she opened up her others.
She has been looking forward to her birthday for months!! All the friends we have, and even people we met in the store (yes random strangers), have been invited to come to her party. A party I was not planning. It was so funny, but also kind of a challenge because I had to keep telling her to stop asking for gifts. She was inviting everyone and then following up her invite with "you can bring me a present!" She also kept asking me for more and more things. I kept telling her that I was done buying her presents, unfortunetlly she had a list of things that she wanted for her day. The problem was I bought her presents clear back before Christmas. I bought her this great jewelry box in October because it was perfect for her. I went around buying little pieces of jewelry to fill it with and was so excited to see her Christmas day. Then when Christmas time came around we found such a great deal on her doll house that we just could not pass it up. After spending that much money I did not feel like I wanted to give her much more than that for Christmas. So I saved the jewelry box for her birthday. I did not buy her a single present more. Until the day before her birthday I decided I could make one of her "new" wishes come true. I bought her an umbrella!! She loved it. It was so great to see her get her jewelry box and it would have been plenty but, when we pulled out her umbrella she got so excited and has carried it around every day since then.

Her cake was probably the most fun thing I did. As I said before, I love my kids birthdays! I always make them the cake that they want. I have done trains, worms, and doll cakes, but the
most fun I have had was this cake. A few months ago we were at the grocery store and she saw the wedding cakes on display and she went crazy! We had been talking about her birthday cake for a while and when she saw these hanging up that is what she wanted. I have always told my kids they could have any cake. I would do my best to make it. So I did not feel right telling her that I would not do it. So we did. The only thing she did not get from her dream was, that she wanted the people on top, we traded that out for her birthday number.
I think for the most part she had a great day, If she had been able to open her presents before Dad got home it would have been perfect! But, we had fun and she still had a great time with her Daddy when he got home!


A Sharing Heart said...

That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could of been there to share in all of the fun things. Happy Birthday Ora a little late.

Marianne said...

You're always so good with the birthday fun. I need to take some lessons. P.S. We totally would have come and taken pictures of her party. We've done it before. Can't believe Ora's 5!

S'mee said...

Happy Birthday Miss Ora!

The birthday sounds like so much fun! I love that she invited everyone and I LOVE that you made her a wedding cake! How cool are you? Very!

Kelly Stoddart said...

you are so good to your kids. I am glad that Ora had a great Birhday!

Unknown said...

whoa - could you be MY Mom on my birthday? You are awesome! Your kids MUST feel so loved!!

Anonymous said...
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Amy said...

Appreciates your PO very much the article with the picture. Continues to refuel!!

sunshine.by said...

By the way, mind me saying: the picture quality may be improved very easily - especially if you have free Picasa from Google installed (no ad, this is indeed very good one).

When you look at the picture in Picasa there is a color picker tool, named "Neutral color" - which basically means white. So in case your picture are full of yellow or blue or green - you know, - just click in that area - and you would be surprised to see the improvement in picture quality.
