Thursday, May 01, 2008

It's Snowing still

The title has nothing to do with my post today I just felt like putting that out there! 

I just had to get on here and say what a great decision it was to marry Joe. He is the most wonderful man. Since we moved away from our families we have become so much closer, he has had to step it up with the kids as well. I go shopping by myself, Before we left I would leave them with my sisters, here he watches them. It has been hard for him, but he has not complained just learned what he needed to and now we are both very active in my kids lives. I think they still take him for granted but he is working very hard. 

For the last month I have been so sick. To say the least. I am trying to stay off of the drugs I took to keep me eating through all of my previous pregnancies and so I eat what I can but most of the time I am lying down trying not to puke. My house does not stay very clean, the laundry does not get done, dinner does not get made, most of the time. Joe has really stepped up to the plate. For example after getting to work at 6:00 this morning , last night he got home at 4:00 and started water boiling for spaghetti, then he feed the kids and got them washed up. We sat together and watch Little House on the Prairie (don't laugh we love it around here) He had to clean up the living room because we had some guys from the ward over for a few minutes.  Jordan was tired so he got him to bed at 7:00.  He read to Ora and Michael for a while before we had scripture and prayer.  
Then he took them and put them to bed. I was so sick last night he had almost no help at all. I don't even do that!! He did have a problem because he forgot to put there music on. But other than that he is great!    (By the way, he has to give them a ride to bed every night now)

Not only that but after he was done and everyone was settled, out he door he went to help our friends who have a sick daughter. They clean the University of Utah stadium after soccer games and other events, and the money goes to her medical bills. The cleaning started at 9:00 and he got home at 11:30. Now he as work again today looking forward to coming home to clean bathrooms and do some laundry tonight. I do think he has a new respect for my mom who has done this for all of my previous pregnancies. She used to come over and hep me until Joe got home and then she would go into work for a few hours. And be back the next day when my kids got up.

I have seriously been surrounded by so many people who love me so much. I miss everyone and I hope I start to feel better so I can start getting out and seeing my friend s here again.


Trent & Lindz said...

I would totally love to come out there and do your kids books! I'm sure you could do a better job though. And that Joe of yours is a great guy. I'm so happy you have him. I know how hard your other pregnancies were and so it's comforting for me to know he's taking care of you guys. I wish I could be there right now to help too!

Alison Wonderland said...

You got a good one, hold on to him.

Sally said...

I have to agree that you married a very special guy!! I know he really loves his family and wants to do all he can to take care of you and the children.
I'm so sorry that you are feeling sick. I wish I could be there to help. Hopefully, this 'yucky' part will be easier and shorter than what you've had before.
Love the pictures!! Sure miss you all!

Brianna said...

Let me know if I can come and help you, anytime, I can bring little miss and the kids can play together. I am up for doing any laundry and cooking dinner for you guys. Call me anytime!!

Cristen said...

Joe I love you. I love that I feel comfortable enough to not juct run up there and boot you out of the way and take over. I get the urge every time I talk to Pea. Then she reassures me about how awesome you are and how well you take care of not only her but all of your family. You always have. you are so great.

S'mee said...

10 pts. for Jo! 10 pts. to Mommy! Working together is the best example for your kiddies! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Tiffany said...

You poor thing...I'm so sorry you feel so terrible! It is true that Joe is great...but you got him because you're fabulous!

Robyn said...

What a great team all of you make! I love the pics of Joe with the kids and you can tell he is just as special as you say he is. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Rachel said...

My dear Pea! I miss you guys so much! (Shopping is in our future!!)I'm glad Joe is steppin up the game - I knew he would! He's a keeper! Now you can see why I'm still single - few come close to being as great as my little bro Joe!