Thursday, February 28, 2008


Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good Amusement Park. I am a roller coaster fanatic. However there is a reason they only last three minutes. I have been on a mean one for the last week. Up and down then whipped around as fast as I could be. this may be the first one to ever make me throw up!!!  

Anyways, I needed a pick me up so I am making a list of things I am grateful for.
1. I am so glad my mother taught me that I was allowed to be mad at my Heavenly Father. It has nothing to do with my testimony, I just get upset with him on occasion. However I really feel like I have  a closer relationship with him than I would if we didn't get mad at each other once in a while.
2. My Mother.
3. Love in general!! I love to love, it seems to come easy for me to love people, I like to look for the good in everyone. nobody says "hey I wish no one loved me."  
4. Contact paper. it covers a multitude of sins, splinters, several layers of paint, older paper that is so stuck you think you wish you could make an A bomb.
 5.  Handheld steamers, Now there is the A bomb!!
6. My Husband who, even though he could, he NEVER ever throws anything back in my face, When I make a mistake he loves me through it. (by the way this list is not in any order, I do not love contact paper more than Joe)
7. M&M's 
8. Jordan, my 16 month old with perfect comedic timing, I tell you he will make you laugh give him time he only tells a joke when he knows it's a winner. All that and he doesn't even use full sentences.
9. Blogging, This is my outlet, I love being able to send my thoughts out into the world. Who cares who reads it It is so fun to do!!
10. Maybe to much info but "feminine products" this is the #1 reason I was born when I was.
11. chairs, could you imagine sitting on the floor all of the time. 
12. President Monson, could I be more excited about that man!!!
13. My mother, She amazes me all of the time.  That woman if you know her you know what I mean.
14. Relief Society, I have been crying all week, thinking about what I would say to the primary kids this week when I say goodbye this week. However I am happy to get to sit in on a lesson again.
15. Last but not least. Going back to primary, the theme this year is I am a child of God. What more could I be grateful for than that I know I have a divine heritage and destiny. My Heavenly Father knows and loves me because I AM HIS CHILD!! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sweet Sweet Tiffany

I am moving. And even though I am mostly happy One thing is finding me very sad!! Tiffany, I am so sad to leave my newest friend. I just love her to bits. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS!

1. How fun is she. 
2. She can out shop anyone I know. Her adorable house looks great and when you point out something that you like She will respond with "Oh yeah I found that here for like ten dollars" She shops most everyday with five dollars in her pocket and comes home with it most of the time. I do no have that kind of drive however she inspires me to "Wait for the deal."
3. She loves my kids. We can just hang out or be going out and she will think of them.  Extra snacks, chocolate covered pretzels. Or Hugs and kisses. How can you not love someone who loves her kids
4. We can talk. Although we have only been friends a short while, I find myself talking to her about everything. We share some common bonds, not exactly the same but common enough that I can find some solace in her stories. It is so nice to finally have a friend who I like to talk and listen to.
5. She has a testimony of the gospel! 
6. She loves her family and how cute are they. 
I so hope that we will both find the drive between my house and hers will get worn out quickly!!
Love ya TIFF
Now go meet her for yourself at:

Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm back.... On a mac!

Hello again, I have been gone so long I have wondered how I ever did without the internet in my house! My Dell computer crashed  a while ago and instead of paying to get it fixed we decided to save and get a new one when we could. So we saved for a while and we went and bought a macbook. I hope I like it but for now I am having he hardest time getting used to the switch from the PC.  I am so excited I have heard Chronicler say how much she likes her mac and I hope that I can get used to this one soon

I guess the best news to mention in this first post is that Joe and I found a cute little house to rent and we move this weekend It is an older home built in the 70's but the owner has kept it up nicely and he wants to fix it up so he will give us a break in the rent if we help him out. It is the perfect solution for us, I am spending the whole week packing and then I need to go to IKEA (an excuse will do) so that I can get all of the little things I will need.